

A simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid.


  • Boosts better and faster calculation skills.
  • Increases endurance for stress and pressure.
  • Improves problem-solving abilities.
  • Teaches clearer logical reasoning.
  • Sharpens concentration and observance.
  • Develops confidence and self-esteem.
  • Heightens stronger mental visualisation skills.
  • Betters reading and writing.
  • Enhances photographic memory.
  • Sharpens listening skills.
  • Makes mathematics meaningful, useful and fun.
  • Provides a solid learning foundation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Increases memory power and sharpens overall mental formation.


It is located within the brainstem and between the two other developmental regions of the brain, the forebrain and the hindbrain; compared with those regions, the midbrain is relatively small.


Mid brain activation is a training program to equip children to sense visual properties without actually seeing them. The brain will be so awakened that the children will be equipped to read and see even while they are blindfolded.


  • It improves creativity and imagination.
  • It enhances concentration and improves memory.It improves absorption capability.
  • Person can havebetter self-confidence with this training program.It leads to balancing of left and right brain.
  • It improves emotional stability.]
  • It increases Logical Imagination and decision power increases.
  • Concentration is greatly improved.
  • Great reduction in stubborn behaviour.
  • Able to listen instructions more clearly and precisely.


Phonetics is the systematic study of speech and the sounds of language. Traditionally phoneticians rely on careful listening and observation in order to describe speech sounds.


  • Able to recognise sounds of the letters used in forming the words.
  • Enhance reading skills.
  • Child will be able to spell the words correctly.
  • Child will be able to read quick and correctly.
  • Help a child in acquiring more vocabulary on daily basis.
  • Develop the ability to pronounce words very well.


Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. In other words, it’s a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information


  • Improvement in memory.
  • Helps children with Dyslexia (reversal of numbers and/or words).
  • Enhances imagination.
  • Less study, more score.
  • Crack Your Entrance Exam.
  • Memorize a list of items.
  • Memorize Long answers.
  • Memorize Mathematics Formulae.
  • Memorize account/economics Formulae.
  • Live Stress free Life.
  • Memorize Periodic Table.
  • Memorizing History dates.
  • Memorizing Long digit Numbers.
  • Memorizing faces & Names.
  • Sharpen your brain.


The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.


  • Improved communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Greater self-acceptance and self-esteem.
  • Ability to change self-defeating behaviours/habits.
  • Better expression and management of emotions, including anger.
  • Relief from depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions.
  • Increased confidence and decision-making skills.
  • ability to manage stress effectively
  • improved problem-solving and conflict resolution abilities.   


    • Raise good children who can contribute to the society.
    • Provide a home that is loving, supportive, and caring.
    • Meet all the needs of their children such as a home, education, food, healthcare, and education.
    • Take care of their respective spouses
    • Support the community they are in to create a safe and productive place for their families
    • Give their families a comfortable life

    PHYCOMETRIC TEST (Advance Part of Counselling method)

    Psychometric tests are often used as part of the recruitment process and are a way for employers to assess your intelligence, skills and personality.


    It is accurate and appropriate.
    Cheap to acquire.
    Improves efficiency.
    Reviews can be done.


    Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Techniques to solve mathematical arithmetic in easy and faster way. Veda is a Sanskrit word which means ‘Knowledge’.


    • It helps a person to solve mathematical problems 10-15 times faster.
    • It creates interest towards mathematics.
    • It will be beneficial throughout lifetime.
    • It helps in Intelligent Guessing (Knowing the answer without actually solving the problem).
    • It is a magical tool to reduce scratch work and finger counting and improve Mental Calculation.
    • It increases concentration.
    • It improves confidence.
    • It reduces burden (Need to learn tables up to nine only).
    • The development of creativity at a young age is helpful towards understanding advanced concepts.
    • Saves time during examination.
    • Assures a zero error technique.
    • Amazing Speed Maths will be beneficial throughout lifetime.


    The art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.


    • Calligraphy can help people to be calm; when children practice calligraphy, they acquire peaceful concentration and eliminate impatience and irritation.
    • The first and the last strokes of every character help you to cultivate a good habit of paying attention to detail.
    • Understanding from your heart comes from what you hear and what you see.
    • Calligraphy also helps you learn to appreciate beauty, to find beauty, and to create beauty.
    • It improves your willingness to learn.
    • It builds creativity.
    • It’s an outlet for love.
    • It trains the eye.


    Spoken English is English which is spoken by people, used in conversations. It will have lots of phrases and incomplete sentences which are ‘understood in context.’ It is a personal communication, intended for a few. Mostly questions, answers, and short sentences/phrases which express an idea.


    • English communication increases income: – All good jobs need good English communication skills. Business requires you to be able to talk to clients in English.
    • English skills get more respect: – It is weird but true. We in India give more respect to those who speak in English.
    • English gets you more knowledge: – Whatever be the historical reasons but the truth is that the latest research in science, technology, humanities and almost everything today happens in English.
    • English makes travel easier: – English is the most widely spoken language all over the world. If you know the language, you have an open window to most of the countries in the world.
    • English communication gives power & influence: – Knowledge is in English, knowledge is power and you need power to fight for yourself. Most of the modern day knowledge and communication tools work in English.
    • Biggest movies and books are in English: – Hollywood is the biggest movie industry. Almost all prominent books in the world are either written or translated into English. English language music is huge.


    Personality development is the development of the organized pattern of behaviours and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development occurs by the on-going interaction of temperament, character, and environment.


    • It helps you become more self-aware – you get to know who you are – your values, beliefs and the purpose you wish to pursue. This is the first key step in the personal development process.
    • It gives you a sense of direction and makes you more clear on what you want to achieve and it also makes the decision making process easier.
    • Personal development brings clarity. Even with an improved sense of direction, there will always be multiple tasks looking for your attention. As your personal development improves, prioritisation becomes much easier.
    • You will become more motivated. When you know what you want to achieve, it is easier for you to see the benefits of taking action.
      It gives you greater resilience. There will be tough times ahead but the personal development process gives you the confidence and resilience to deal with these better.
    • More fulfilling relationships. You will be able to see which relationships are worth investing time in and you will develop the skills to make the most of these relationships thereby making a more positive impact on your life.


    Reasoning ability is something that your mind actually thinks why what and how. It is the ability to take the inputs from 5 sensory organs process the data and give the relative solution. The only way to test reasoning ability is taking a problem solving it and checking the time taken for the problem to be solved.


    • Accurate: Gives the correct conclusion as long as you have all the necessary premises correct.
    • Consistent: As long as the premises are same, whatever deductive method you use, or whoever else thinks it, always arrives at the same conclusion
    • Traceable: You can document and/or trace your path of thinking and verify it for logical correctness.
    • Helps the child get more engaged in his/her own learning process and promotes making the correct and right decisions (based on reasoning logically).
    • Helps the child be a rational thinker instead of being impulsive.


    Letter Spotting in Big Books is a great way for children to become little reading detectives and play and learn with alphabet letters. It is an activity that can be modified to fit in with the current classroom focus such as searching for sight words, blends, other phonics or even punctuation. Letter Spotting in Big Books can also use as part of guided reading lessons and shared book experiences.


    • Little Reading Detectives can not only spot alphabet letters, it can also be completed with most sight words such as I, in, it and the. You can also search for blends such as ‘sh’, ‘th’ and ‘wh’ or punctuation, whatever the class is learning about.
    • A great activity that can be completed in small groups, pairs and guided reading lessons.
    • Problem solving – finding strategies to overcome challenges.
    • Social skills: taking turns, communication and following directions.
    • Oral language development – letter recognition. Hearing the sound and saying it out loud.
    • Experimenting with language and trying new words.
    • This is how we developed our Course structure and finally put everything into the market for sales

    Course Overview


    BRAIN Gym










    LEVEL 01

    Meditaation, Mind boost up with MBA Therapy, Dance and brain gym activity, Mid brain with blind fold practice, Colour identification, Alphabet & numerical identification, Demo and test.

    LEVEL 02

    Meditation, Brain gym and activity, Eye gym, Dance,Music therapy, Blind fold reading, Blind fold drawing, Sensory power demo, Demo and test.

    LEVEL 03

    Meditation,Dance, Eye gym, Telekinesis practice, Telepathy practice, Demo and test.

    LEVEL 04

     Meditation,Puzzle solving, Photogenic memory, Rubik solving method, Rubik Activity, Blind fold Rubik solving, Demo and test.

    LEVEL 05

    Meditation, Music therapy, Dance, Brain gym, Calligraphy  technique Practice on copy, Practice on board.

    LEVEL 06

    Mediation, Moral Education activities, Mnemonics, Skill development, Initiative debate.

    LEVEL 07

    Meditation, Dance, Music therapy, Academic development, Mathematic technique, Calculation power, Data storage technique.

    LEVEL 08

    Meditation, Dance, Music therapy, Academic development, Mathematics technique, Calculation power, Data storage technique.

    LEVEL 09

    Mediation, Music therapy, Brain gym and activity, Telekinesis, Psychic energy, Instuition Power, Blind fold Demo and test.

    LEVEL 10

    Meditation, Dance, Mnemonics, Boost Calcution Power, Multiplication, Logical intelligence,Rubik Demo Utilization right brain for study, Blind Fold.

    Rising India Academy

    Innovating Education

    Rising India Academy aims to for the better future of our future generation. We are focusing on the future of education and respect of multiple intelligence which will help you to educate your child according to their inborn skills and talents and thereby aiming to provide best suitable resources according to the result.
    Rising India Academy holds responsibility to carry out multiple intelligence with the help of  Dermatoglyphics to determine the personality assessment and intelligence and hidden skills. Rising India Academy is conducting counselling, multiple intelligence test and other services with the team of experts and practitioners.


    Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint
    analysis, even thought process of fingerprint identification had already been used for several hundred years.
    Japanese medical expert professor pointed out that the fingers are closely related to brain hemisphere. Therefore , this has been widely used in many fields.


    Dermatoglyphics is like a map that leads one to understand his own potential and talents. Everyone in a intelligence from their parents and every parent have the innate intelligence from their parents.
    Buy analysing dermatoglyph, we can accurately understand the distribution and amount of cells in the left hand right brains and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored of weakness and strengths; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left hand right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way.

    • Multiple intelligence assessment for children
    • Parent- child communication and behavior
    • Target at talents
    • Personalized education
    • Identifies one’s gifted area
    • Defines the most appropriate way of teaching and learning.

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