Welcome to

Rising India Academy

Rising India Academy aims to for the better future of our future generation. We are focusing on the future of education and respect of multiple intelligence which will help you to educate your child according to their inborn skills and talents and thereby aiming to provide best suitable resources according to the result.
Rising India Academy holds responsibility to carry out multiple intelligence with the help of  Dermatoglyphics to determine the personality assessment and intelligence and hidden skills. Rising India Academy is conducting counselling, multiple intelligence test and other services with the team of experts and practitioners.

Our Goal

Rising India is in Educational Institute with desire to educate children irrespective of cost and religion in turn aiming at higher literacy rate. We try to strive achieve this goal by hard work and inspiring as a family.


We aim to share knowledge of our concept with each individual. We focus on development by enhancing academic performance of the current and future generation.


We visualise a world where every child transform into a healthy, logical and productive adult. Our objective is to groom the child to a responsible & capable into usual for today & future world.

Our Team

Our staff strikes a wonderful mix between freedom and security. Giving children a sense of self and achievement during their early years is important in our center’s opinion. But we’re keeping an eye on everything! Also, our staff members are committed to building enduring bonds with each child.

Mr. Mohan Chaudhary

MA, B.Ed, MBA.

Mrs. Shubham Chaudhary

MA, B.Ed, CTET Qualified

Ms.Rama Sharma

MA (Hindi), BPEd.

Mithlesh Vishwakarma

B.Lib, M.Lib, MA (English Litrature)

Mrs. Ekta Kashyap

B.Sc., M.Sc.(Mathematics)

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